How to Boost Your Sex Life with Butt Plugs

How to Boost Your Sex Life with Butt Plugs Posted on February 17, 2019Leave a comment

To understand how to use the anal plug it is necessary to take into account a number of features that need to be learned once, made and subsequently constantly applied in life.


By purchasing a new toy, you need to open the package, check the accessory for integrity, the absence of gaps, cracks, cracks and roughness.

If the plug has a vibration mode, insert the batteries and test the product for operability.


Treat the product – you can use either warm water with soap or special hygiene products for sex toys.


It is necessary to use a butt plug with lubricant. There are separate lubricants designed for anal caress.


Having anal sex with or without anal plug is the main feature: it is important to relax your partner or partner. To do this, you will need to spend a little foreplay, adjust your partner to positive sexual emotions and allow you to relax. Know more about the proper emotions and mindset at

Next, proceed to anal caresses. Start small: just stroke the anus; look at the reaction of the partner. If it brings pleasure and special interest, it means that the person is ready for experiments. Otherwise, on this day it is better to stop such caresses. You also need to understand are women allowed to wear a butt plug at a nudist resort?

With a positive reaction, start stimulating with your finger, then penetrate slightly. You can continue the language – it brings a lot of incredible sexual sensations. Be sure to do all this with copiously lubricated fingers.


When you are ready to apply the anal plug, prepare it.

Soak a little in your hand, lubricate with anal lubricant (preferably water-based or silicone-based).


  • Butt plug is inserted very slowly, carefully and gradually. In this case, you constantly ask your partner about his feelings.
  • Eliminate all sharp movements completely and smoothly in the cork. It is impossible to introduce everything at once, so that there are no micro cracks.


Butt plug tapered does not provide for translational motion. In other words, it is impossible to make frictions. Its main function is to stimulate the anal sphincter and fill the lower part of the rectum. You will feel fullness in this area.


When applying anal plug before anal sex, it must be smoothly introduced and left for some time this is done for getting used to.


It is very important to adhere to hygiene before having anal sex. Should take an intimate shower or do an enema.

Flush the anus before sexual contact is necessary, so as not to bring infection to your sexual partner.

The Final Word

After applying the cork again, you need to wash it with soap or with the help of a special antiseptic, put it in the compartment for intimate accessories and wait for a new meeting with it.

  • Also for hygiene, a condom is put on the cork
  • Transfer your toy to strangers
  • apply the cork immediately after the anus to the vaginal, since the micro flora of the rectum and vagina is different, you can carry the infection
  • Applying our advice, the toy will serve you for many years, your feelings will be the most vivid and erotic, and your health will remain under reliable protection

The team strongly recommends that all our customers and readers adhere to these recommendations!


For the benefit of yourself and your partner:

Butt plug

Only two of these words shiver, someone from horror, and someone from a sweet anticipation. If you have never used the anal plug before, it will be very useful for you to learn how to use it so that you can only have positive caress with positive emotions.

For whom?

The first question that arises before buying an anal plug is “who can use it?” Actually, the anal plug is a unisex toy; it is suitable for both men and women. True, for the stronger sex, anal plugs are usually made in an oblong shape so that the toy can reach the prostate and massage it. For the rest, the usual anal plug (by the way, they are usually made in a drop-shaped form) can be used by both a man and a woman.

Why do you need butt plug?

In the case of a man, everything is clear the cork massages the prostate, which causes a fit of pleasure in the man. By the way, prostate massage is not only erotic affection, it is also a very useful procedure that can prolong men’s health and improve sexual capabilities. And lp prostate massager is perfect for the job that will surely give you wonders during sex. As for women, it has been proven that anal penetration can lead to anal orgasm, so those women who claimed that there is nothing pleasant in such penetration simply does not know how to have fun. In addition, the anal plug is used for double penetration, when there is a plug in the ass, and a member is inserted into the vagina. In this case, the walls are narrowed, and the man gets more pleasure due to friction. Many couples who have already given birth to a child resort to such tricks, and the woman’s vagina has stretched.

In addition, often the butt plug is an element of the game, for example, BDSM. There are a huge number of various plugs with a long tail, with rhinestones, with drawings – all this is intended to emphasize the peculiarity of your game.

How to use

Today, only by a miracle can you meet a person who would have no idea how to use butt plug. Indeed, everything is very simple here, but one cannot forget about some rules.

Before you use the anal plug, you must prepare the anus. First of all, it is intended to carry out appropriate hygienic procedures. In addition, it is necessary to stretch the anus with your fingers before introducing the plug.

  • The anal opening does not emit grease, unlike the vagina. Therefore, it is necessary to use artificial lubricants! Please note that plugs from different materials require different lubricants. If you neglect this, very soon the toy can deteriorate.
  • On each butt plug there is a limiter. It is created specifically to ensure that the toy does not enter your body completely. Therefore, it is not necessary to “push” the cork inside, along with the limiter.
  • Remember that butt plug is an individual toy; it cannot be shared with anyone, even if it is your husband.

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