How to Enjoy BDSM and Fetish Sex

How to Enjoy BDSM and Fetish Sex Posted on December 24, 2018Leave a comment

Sexual preferences can be very intense and very different. With intense sexual preferences, we speak of fetishes. That there are so many is not aware of most people. Of course Fifty Shades of Gray speaks about BDSM preferences and the foot fetish is also common to most. Nonetheless, there are many more fetishes beyond that.

Armpit fetish

It finds both men and women followers and is based on the smell fetish. On the one hand, the mysterious aesthetics of the mostly hidden shoulder fold and, on the other hand, its distinctive fragrance makes the special kick of the armpit fetish.

Anal fetish

Whether the anal fetish is just another sexual practice or indeed a fetish, passionate sewer cleaners can best answer. In addition to conventional penetration, the preference also includes prostate stimulation and anglings, the licking of the anus. You will also need to know How to enjoy anal sex.

Swimsuit fetish

One-piece, tight-fitting swimwear arouses the erotic fantasies of a no-despising large following – the swimsuit fetish is becoming increasingly popular. Especially women describe that they only come in a swimsuit to climax.

Birkenstock fetish

Birkenstock sandals are not just practical footwear for quick on and off in everyday life: On Birkenstock fetishists, the open house shoes exert a sexual fascination. The Birkenstock fetish represents a more specialized form of shoe fetish.

Blood fetish

For blood fetishists the life juice has a very special attraction. The special closeness and confidence that is necessary to make the special charm of this fetish, which is also referred to as “vampirism”.

Down jacket fetish

Down is as supple as it is popular in the fetish field. The spectrum of the down jacket fetish is great: from sexual intercourse in the anorak to ejaculation on the down material covers this preference from everything.

Fat fetish

The fat fetish is two-dimensional: On the one hand, the sexual preference refers to a general affection for corpulent partners – on the other hand, the so-called Feeding, the feeding or fattening of the partner is meant when the fat fetish is mentioned.The Fetish makes his disciples true Pups connoisseurs. Smell, noise, or the relief feeling are the satisfying triggers of sexual addiction. This can apply to own farts or those of a partner.

Foot fetish

A foot fetish triggers an enormous desire when looking at different foot regions, the massage of the own sex part through the feet of the partner as well as caresses of foreign feet. Here you can find more information about foot fetish.

Gas mask fetish

A touch of leather and limited breathing expect fans of the gas mask fetish after the respirator has been put on. The combination of both is the basis of the gas mask fetish, which has already produced many collectors. In addition, the steampunk aspect of gas masks should also be irritating.

Plaster fetish

In the gypsum fetish, a single body part or even the whole body is covered with hardening plaster. Cast-in partners are very attractive to the plaster fetishist and exude an irresistible immobility and awkwardness.

Rubber boots fetish

Popular with anglers, in the rain and in the fetish area: the rubber boots. A rubber boots fetish arouses its enthusiasts similar to other shoe fetishes by the dressing, the condition of the material and wearing during sex.

Hair fetish

While some prefer long head hair, others are standing on a runway in the genital area. In this respect, the hair fetish includes not just head but pretty much all body hair.

High heel fetish

The classic shoe fetishes include the High Heel Fetish. Due to the elegant design, high-heeled shoes attract many people into their erotic spell. Often the viewing and the use of high heels especially satisfy men during sex. Care: The penetration with the pointed paragraph can lead to injuries.

Panties fetish

From the adolescent cliché to the fetish: The panty fetish is deeply rooted in society but is often not perceived as a fetish. The procurement is for panties very attractive fetishists, as well as traces of feces or vaginal secretions inside the briefs.

Jeans fetish

Those who have a jeans fetish are particularly infatuated with the sight and use of the cult substance in sex practices. The preference can be lived out very differently: Jeans are available in various cuts. In addition, jeans are often combined with spanking, face sitting or masturbation.

Caviar fetish

Of course, the caviar fetish is not about fish eggs, but about passionate sex without fear of intestinal contents. Caviar fetishists are at the same time mostly anal experts and therefore, in addition to the penetration of the anus, also use the anglings – naturally with an un-cleaned rosette and with aroma.

Catheter fetish

Catheter fetishists love doctor games. A catheter game provides direct access to the bladder, causing uncontrolled leakage of urine. The Sex lovers likes to use role play. Catheter fetishists also love wearing the catheter in everyday life.

Tickling fetish

The tickle fetish is often used in connection with bondage games. Once the partner is tied up, a tickle-orgy begins, which not only makes the partners laugh, but also excites them. Tickling fetishists resort to a large repertoire of utensils, such as feathers, whip or brush.

Latex fetish

Hap tics and gloss of latex have an extremely exciting effect on latex fetishists. They love the sight of latex clothing, under which the body contour is perfectly visible. Sweat and heat increase the unique, tight feeling that leaves latex on the skin and makes touch more intense. Also the latex smell has an attraction on latex fetishists.

Leggings fetish

Leggings Fetishists find the sight of legs and buttocks, which appear under skin-tight leggings incredibly erotic. Some leggings fetishists also love to wear leggings themselves. The material depends entirely on personal preference. Leggings Fetishists enjoy the close-fitting feeling in everyday life.

Balloon Fetish

A balloon does not only awaken true joy on birthdays. Balloon Fetishists love the smell and the feel of plastic. It excites the squeaking noise and growth of the material when it is slowly inflated. If the balloon bursts, you will feel intense feelings of pleasure.

Milf fetish

The Milf fetish is aroused by the idea of ??having sex with an older and mature woman. Of course, this can also be lived out in reality. Not infrequently, a milf fetishist also has a sexual and partnership relationship with an older woman.

Shower fetish

The pee fetish is the predilection for the human urine and the associated games. Under the fetish also known as Europhilia or undines different forms are summarized.

Neoprene fetish

With the neoprene fetish, the warm and tight feeling of the material on the skin brings great desire. The neoprene fetish is therefore primarily lived out by neoprene clothing.

Nylon fetish

The nylon fetish is especially the feeling of nylon on the skin. Paired with sexy suspenders or stockings made of nylon but also the sight of the wearer on the nylon fetishist can be very stimulating.

Grandma fetish

As one can guess by the name, one stands with the grandma fetish on female seniors. This fetish can be lived out purely in the fantasy, by imagining the sex with an older woman and satisfying herself or of course in reality.

Fox Tail fetish

Foxtails butt plugs are furry, fun to wear and are becoming something of a fetish. They are virtually de rigueur at modern-day medieval fairs. Many prefer seeing foxtails on foxes. Where they belong. But, once they are freed from the fox and fitted with a butt-plug, they take on all the charms of an aphrodisiac. These fancy animal tails are a beauty, mine give me wonders in sex role plays which I got from

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